House of Glass
This is the fourth sequel of the Buru quartet. In this sequel Pramoedya described the efforts of the Dutch colonial government to defeat the growing freedom movement in early 20th century in the Netherland East Indies or present day Indonesia. The main character is not Minke anymore but Jacques Pangemanann, a native police officer who was promoted to become a staff of Algemenee Secretarie in Buitenzorg or the present day Bogor. His duty was to observe the social and political situation especially about political activities of native people and then report it.
Once he ordered Robert Suurhof, the chief of De Knijppers gang and his men to terrorize Minke but they were shot by Princess Kasiruta, Minke's third wife. Raad van Justitie then decided that Minke was exiled in Ambon.
Besides Minke he also had to observe and control Syarikat Islam (Association of Islam), Boedi Moelyo and Indische Partij. To discredit Syarikat Islam he designed an anti Chinese riot. He ordered Cor Oosterhof, a chief of gangster. Riot broke in Sukabumi, Gresik, Kuningan, Madiun, Caruban, Weleri, Grobogan. But SI still developed.
The threat to colonial government grew even stronger. Political activism and press activity grew stronger and stronger. After Minke was exiled in Ambon the chief of SI was Tjokro. SI's influence grew stronger in the society. Peroetoesan, SI's newspaper written in Malay language grew rapidly. Indische Partij's newspaper was De Express that was written in Dutch language. Meanwhile the Chinese had Sin Po. All of them were anti colonial government and pro-independence movement. They offered education and modern thought. Indische Partij was anti European and pro Eurasian people. Pangemann's chief was suspicious that someday IP would manage to hold its own administration. Boedi Moelyo established an insurance company, schools and organized social activities. There were also many local native organizations based on ethnic groups, professions, and other background. The emergence of nationalism and political powers in colonial society was serious problem for colonial government. Consequently Pangemanann had to keep Indische Partij, Syarikat Islam and Kuo Min Tang away from each other.
His duties was getting harder so he did not have any chance to get a vacation. Meanwhile his wife who was a Frenchwoman really want to go home to Europe. His work was so hard that finally he fell to alcoholism and prostitution. Eventually he had to sacrifice his family. They left him to Europe.
Meanwhile his chief pushed him to arrest the triumvirate of Indische Partij - Wardi, Douwager and Tjipto. He was assigned to supervise the arrest and find appropriate official argument. His argument was that they were arrested due to their journalistic activities, not for their political activities. They were exiled to the Netherlands.
Then one day Minke was released from his exile in Ambon. He went back to Batavia or present day Jakarta. But the government kept on oppressing him. Before he came his wife was pushed to go home to Ambon. His house and all his asset was taken over. All of his friends also pushed not to receive him. Even when he was sick doctors and hospitals were forced not to treat him properly. Eventually Minke died because he never got appropriate medical treatment when he was sick.
There are many pages dedicated to describe Pangemanann's thought. there was his admiration to Minke, his hesitation to arrest the triumvirate of Indische partij, and his stress of handling his work, and expressions of his resentment to his superior.
Pramoedya had an impressive political and literary thought. He nicely described the dirty and immoral efforts of colonial government to defeat political movement of native peple to get their independence.
Once he ordered Robert Suurhof, the chief of De Knijppers gang and his men to terrorize Minke but they were shot by Princess Kasiruta, Minke's third wife. Raad van Justitie then decided that Minke was exiled in Ambon.
Besides Minke he also had to observe and control Syarikat Islam (Association of Islam), Boedi Moelyo and Indische Partij. To discredit Syarikat Islam he designed an anti Chinese riot. He ordered Cor Oosterhof, a chief of gangster. Riot broke in Sukabumi, Gresik, Kuningan, Madiun, Caruban, Weleri, Grobogan. But SI still developed.
The threat to colonial government grew even stronger. Political activism and press activity grew stronger and stronger. After Minke was exiled in Ambon the chief of SI was Tjokro. SI's influence grew stronger in the society. Peroetoesan, SI's newspaper written in Malay language grew rapidly. Indische Partij's newspaper was De Express that was written in Dutch language. Meanwhile the Chinese had Sin Po. All of them were anti colonial government and pro-independence movement. They offered education and modern thought. Indische Partij was anti European and pro Eurasian people. Pangemann's chief was suspicious that someday IP would manage to hold its own administration. Boedi Moelyo established an insurance company, schools and organized social activities. There were also many local native organizations based on ethnic groups, professions, and other background. The emergence of nationalism and political powers in colonial society was serious problem for colonial government. Consequently Pangemanann had to keep Indische Partij, Syarikat Islam and Kuo Min Tang away from each other.
His duties was getting harder so he did not have any chance to get a vacation. Meanwhile his wife who was a Frenchwoman really want to go home to Europe. His work was so hard that finally he fell to alcoholism and prostitution. Eventually he had to sacrifice his family. They left him to Europe.
Meanwhile his chief pushed him to arrest the triumvirate of Indische Partij - Wardi, Douwager and Tjipto. He was assigned to supervise the arrest and find appropriate official argument. His argument was that they were arrested due to their journalistic activities, not for their political activities. They were exiled to the Netherlands.
Then one day Minke was released from his exile in Ambon. He went back to Batavia or present day Jakarta. But the government kept on oppressing him. Before he came his wife was pushed to go home to Ambon. His house and all his asset was taken over. All of his friends also pushed not to receive him. Even when he was sick doctors and hospitals were forced not to treat him properly. Eventually Minke died because he never got appropriate medical treatment when he was sick.
There are many pages dedicated to describe Pangemanann's thought. there was his admiration to Minke, his hesitation to arrest the triumvirate of Indische partij, and his stress of handling his work, and expressions of his resentment to his superior.
Pramoedya had an impressive political and literary thought. He nicely described the dirty and immoral efforts of colonial government to defeat political movement of native peple to get their independence.
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